The band wasted no time, particularly because there was NO TIME TO WASTE. With JUSTIN on a TIMETABLE to watch one of the most DEVASTATING SPORTS LOSSES in recent MEMORY, the BANDS MUSCLE MEMORY KICKED RIGHT IN! Kicking things off was the FREELANCE SWEATPANTS BLUES TRIO.  They immediately locked into a SPICY BLUES TIGNED RIFF brought to us by AJ.  How spicy? If they keep experimenting successfully with the genre as they are, they will make the BLUES BROTHERS MISSION FROM GOD look like a trip to the GROCERY STORE in comparison.

Once DOM arrived things got even more MISSION FOCUSED.  One the band CHOOSES TO ACCEPT.  POTENTIALLY RECORDING OUR SONGS IN A FEW WEEKS. That’s right folks, the band is set to RECORD EVERY SONG WE HAVE (minus WHATEVER, BUT YEAH WHATEVER). Once discussions of HOW, WHEN AND WHAT were under way, the PROSPECT OF RECORDING LIT A FIRE UNDER THEM!  THIS FIRE INSPIRED SEVERAL NEW SONGS. Am I overusing the capital letters a bit? Yeah WHATEVER! I’m just excited about what’s in store for the band as YOU ARE!

First the band kicked off the night with the EMO TINGED “POURING IN THE RAIN”. Featuring a less explored side of the band, they focused more on SEAN’S LYRICS AND GROOVE, this song will be a BANGER LIVE when they play it in a FEW MONTHS! I KNOW WHERE, YOU DON’T!  After that, the band BROUGHT OUT AN ACOUSTIC GUITAR!

The often NEVER BEFORE SEEN INSTRUMENT played a crucial role in a DOM penned song “OCTOBER”. The song started out almost ballad like with just the acoustic guitar before RHYTHM based GROOVES from AJ, SEAN, and JUSTIN took over. The song concluded by turning into a full-on jam in the end. This is one that will make for a killer SURPRISE DURING LIVE SHOWS.

After that it was a return to the familiar, a chance to hone in endings on songs and prep for the BIG TIME of recording. Speaking of BIG TIME, like Peter Gabriel, JUSTIN is establishing himself as a drummer to be reckoned with. PLAYING MORE COMPLEX FILLS in new songs like “POURING IN THE RAIN” the man’s talent has only gotten better. When playing on “STROKES”. The band was jamming around WHAT HE WAS DOING! That’s a sign that FREELANCE AS A WHOLE ARE ABOUT TO GET A LOT BETTER!

Ending the night fittingly, the band played “GOTTA GET OUT”. Though one listening to them would want to do the EXACT OPPOSITE. Good things are on the horizon and only FREELANCE SWEATPANTS can keep BRINGING THEM TO YOU!

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